24 August 2017
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GIA Systems ensures durability and comfort at Applied Medical Europe

In April the new office and production location of Applied Medical, producer of medical equipment, opened in Amersfoort (The Netherlands). The new site, just a stone’s throw from the existing office, consists of 8,700 m² of office space, a clean room, a production area and a warehouse, in total 27,000 m².


Lighting, exactly where and when it is needed.
The lighting in the offices and laboratories of Applied Medical is controlled by a lighting control system from GIA Systems. Thanks to preset scenarios, the lighting only lights up when and where it is needed. A lot of energy is saved by making optimal use of daylight; artificial lighting is dimmed automatically when the ambient daylight is sufficient. By means of touch screens, employees can manually dim the lighting, and there is a link with another lighting control system for lighting the site, so that the outdoor lighting only lights up when needed.

GIA Systems specialises in efficient solutions for energy-saving and comfort enhancing intelligent buildings. When it comes to lighting control, GIA Systems owns the most efficient solution on the market, without multiple PCs, switches or Ethernet cabling. GIA Systems was proud to be able to participate in this company building with a state-of-the-art laboratory.

Building on the wishes of the people
The construction started over hiding a time capsule under the building’s foundation. This box contains the personal wishes of the employees of Applied Medical Europe: so, in fact, the building is literally built on the wishes of the people. Perfectly in line with the mission of GIA Systems because GIA delivers ‘standard customisation’. The wishes and needs of the customer and the specific use of the building are taken into account. We investigate the best solution for a building and develop a combination of customised techniques to make things more efficient.




The total project Applied Medical was realised in one year, a short construction process for a project of this size. The solutions of GIA Systems play a role in the short turnaround time, because GIA delivers directly from its factory, supports with the installation of its products on-site and comes with creative, flexible and efficient product innovations. This saves a lot of time during the installation, and offers a maximal comfort while saving energy for the lifetime of the building.

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Efficiënt. Altijd. Overal.

Wij ontwikkelen, maken en verdelen elektrotechnische oplossingen voor de utiliteitsbouw. Hierbij staat efficiëntie centraal. Want efficiëntie leidt tot maximaal comfort en minimale kosten: dit zowel tijdens de installatie als de hele levensduur van uw installatie.

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